COVID-19 Updates COVID-19 Positive Test or Exposure Form - Confidential

COVID-19 has changed the way we live and connect with our communities and families. Mosman Prep is committed to managing the School’s response to the pandemic safely and conscientiously. We are guided by updates from NSW Health and the Association of Independent Schools and updates are emailed to parents regularly.

COVID-19 Support
Calmness is essential to our wellbeing and that of our children- calmness in our posture, our tone of voice, our words, and how we are in our homes. We recognise that this can be an unsettling time placing undue pressure on families, and have pulled together a list of resources to support students and parents.

The Australian Government has established a website which brings together all resources regarding mental health.  It is a one-stop shop for all your questions and considerations on how to look after yourself and your family. Visit:

Raising Children offers detailed information on all you need to know to help your child/children through COVID-19. 