Forging Leadership Skills - Part 2
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
President John Quincy Adams
In my last Messenger article, I identified that Learning a range of leadership skills and techniques from a young age can provide students with an excellent head start in life. I also reflected on the fact that a key Prep Strategic Initiatives is to ‘Develop our student leadership programs’.
Student leadership is not confined to a small group of individuals, as leadership potential is inherent within all learners. Trust, autonomy, relationships, and a sense of school pride are enhanced through the development of leadership qualities. (Victorian Department of Education and Training)
Alongside our new Lunchtime Clubs Program (mentioned in the last Messenger edition), a second new initiative has been to appoint and train all Year 6 boys in leadership roles. While we continue to have specific leadership captains (School, Vice, Student Representative Council and House Captains), our Leadership Program for all Year 6 boys entails ongoing training and support in a specific area of leadership (eg. Technology, Library, and Sport). Boys have a job description and engage in planned meetings with their teacher mentor to discuss their role and future activities in which they will participate. Training sessions focus on character, mindfulness of others and servant leadership.
Our Buddy Program is a much-admired initiative at Mosman Prep. Different grades and classes are paired to promote vertical integration of students across the school, with older boys acting as a mentor or 'buddy' to younger students. Through providing the opportunity for senior students to engage in formal and informal leadership opportunities, the program aims to develop personal and social responsibility. The Buddy Program further reinforces the strength of the community established at Prep, by encouraging students from different grades to develop friendships and care for one another. Younger students are exposed to positive role modelling through their interactions with senior students, who are cognisant of upholding the School's values. Activities include paired reading, collaborative learning activities, directed play, and mini sport games. The relationships built are authentically established through genuine connection.
Working alongside the Year 6 Leadership structure is the Student Representative Council (SRC), which involves boys from Years 2-6. The aim of the SRC is to be a voice for the organising of future events, address important social issues that need to be improved within and outside our school community, and to have personal encouragement and teaching sessions related to being a servant leader. Students are involved in fortnightly ‘circle time sessions’ to have a voice and address issues that are pertinent to their class, school community or broader community. The SRC are fundraising ambassadors for the GoodCHAP program, brainstorm ideas, and educate boys and staff during assembly. They also help to manage and educate in the areas of sustainability, school improvement (facilities, equipment, and programs), and lost property.
The ongoing development of leadership skills is an important focus at Mosman Prep. The Leadership Program helps develop students’ practical skills in leadership and service that will equip them for secondary school, tertiary education, the work force, and for family life later down the track. Student leaders are encouraged to examine and show the Biblical model of servant leadership, best demonstrated by Jesus Himself. Our School Motto, ‘Not for Ourselves Alone’, supports our focus on servant leadership, and our School values of Excellence, Respect, Courage, Integrity, and Compassion form a foundation of strong character which underpins leadership.
Peter Grimes | Headmaster