Celebrating Creative Arts
“Creativity takes courage” … (Henri Matisse)
I am excited that on the evening of Thursday 31 August, we will be able to celebrate, with you, the rich tapestry of Creative Arts learning at Mosman Prep.
Creative Arts includes a variety of activities that engage children’s imagination through music, visual arts, movement and dance, and drama and storytelling, engaging children across all domains (cognitive, language, social, emotional, and physical).
During the evening, all the boys will be singing and dancing. They will have their art displayed for their guests and will engage them in storytelling.
Guests will also be able to enjoy musical performances from the Year 2 string program, Year 5 band program, Gig Band, Jazz Band, Percussion Ensemble, String Ensemble, as well as a drama performance.
The event is a celebration of the powerful, rich learning experiences of our boys during their critical early years. Both process and product will be celebrated, as many of our boys are just starting out on their creative arts journey.
The evening will provide the following opportunities:
- Create an authentic audience for boys to share their learning.
- Celebrate the diversity and breadth of creative arts opportunities at Mosman Prep.
- Showcase learning excellence - both process and product.
- Build understanding of learning at Mosman Prep and excite students and parents to new opportunities.
- A community building opportunity for the Mosman Prep Community. The evening will provide an insight into our learning and our special community for invited guests.
Educating our boys during this most critical period of brain development demands the provision of a broad, high quality learning experience. Creative Arts is a key learning experience, having broad implications for the development of the whole student.
A growing body of Australian and International research (including from Sydney University) demonstrates the enormous positive impacts that participating in The Arts can have on students’ academic and non-academic success.
Students engaged with the Arts have higher self-esteem; are more academically engaged and motivated in other subject areas; have increased higher order thinking, creativity, and critical thinking skills; and have greater life satisfaction, and a deeper cultural understanding and sense of meaning in life.
Boys fear being judged. Without the social pressures of a coeducation environment, they can more safely take risks, explore possibilities, and develop passions; discovering they have many roles to play as a scholar, athlete, artist, musician, friend, and compassionate community member.
We look forward to celebrating your son’s learning journey with you, your guests, and our special Prep community.
Peter Grimes | Headmaster
Initial Event Details
Purpose: Authentic celebration of learning process and product.
Date: Thursday 31 August
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Arrival time: All students to be seated in the Large Hall by 5:45pm.
Performances: Held in the School Undercroft and surrounds.
Attendance: An important event for all our boys (and at least one guardian) to attend.|
Wider Community: We would love you to invite non-Prep families!
Dress: Sports uniform with tracksuit (house polo shirt for K-6).
Food and Drink: Complimentary food and drink provided for adults and children.