The Mosman Prep Staff Team - Unified and Dedicated
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!” (Helen Keller)
“Great things in Business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people. (Steve Jobs)
It always warms my heart when I hear your many compliments concerning our Mosman Prep Staff team. From the ‘several faceted’ support staff to the excellent ‘coal face’ classroom teachers, your generous expressions of appreciation are very encouraging indeed. Thank you!
The Federal Government has just launched its “Be That Teacher” campaign, a $10 million recruitment drive aimed at ending, or at the very least reducing, Australia’s teacher shortage. According to a journalist from the Sydney Morning Herald, while short-term government investments and campaign drives may help attract people to the sector, it won’t help them stick around long-term.
Briley Stokes from the Victorian Education Union highlights that education support staff are essential in supporting teachers. She specifically mentions that a school’s reception staff, gardeners, canteen workers, psychologists, nurses, occupational and speech therapists, librarians, IT specialists, lab technicians, sports coaches, after-hours carers, business managers, accounts, and HR – are essential. SMH November 2023
The staffing support at Mosman Prep, for students, teachers and parents is quite extraordinary!
Our provision includes:
- Class Teachers of small class numbers
- Teaching Assistance in every Junior Primary Class until lunchtime each day
- Three Literacy and Numeracy Specialists in Senior Primary until lunchtime 4 days per week
- Two Gifted and Talented Teachers
- Two Learning Support Teachers
- Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists on site
- A Chaplain, one counsellor and one counsellor/psychologist
- Specialist teachers in Music, Visual Arts, PE and Sport, Mandarin, Library (including a Library Assistant)
- Director of Technology
- Terrey Hills Kitchen Coordinator and Terrey Hills Garden Coordinator
- After School Care and Holiday Care Coordinator (internal), and Risk and Compliance Officer
- Business Manager and HR
- Accountant
- Marketing Manager
- Director of Admissions
- Executive Assistants
- Property Manager and an Assistant
- Canteen Managers
Such a comprehensive provision of staff is important, as we are supporting our boys at the most critical time of their brain development.
However, what is most powerful is not the number or even the high quality of individual staff. Rather it is their commitment to working as a team, collaborating, and partnering with each other and with parents, as we help our boys to ‘love learning and life, preparing them to thrive both now and in the future.’
Peter Grimes | Headmaster
Sydney Morning Herald (3 November 2023)
- ‘I see the stress teachers are under every day. More teachers isn’t the solution’